About DNRF

About DNRF

Who we are 

Development Network and Research (DNR) Foundation (an ISO 9001:2015 certified organization) is a global group of experienced and seasoned development professionals comprising of management graduates like IITian’s, IIM graduates, TISSian’s, Senior Corporate professionals, Govt. officials, Professors, Teachers from different villages, cities and countries. We were working on various issues in independent capacity but later we decided to make a common platform to address all the development issues and DNR came into existence as a National Civil Society on 6th April 2011. DNRF is registered under Society Registration Act 1860 at New Delhi. For details of legal info please see the download section. Today we have a global footprint in the area of R & D, volunteerism, advisory, networking, CSR management and systematic project operation.

Our major focus areas are Environment protection, Education & Skilling, Livelihood, Rural Development, Health & Safety, Ex Indian Armed Forces and their dependents, Emergency relief etc. in rural and urban slum areas.

We know that the principles of CSR are yet to establish and are still evolving. At DNR, doing social activities through the corporate or corporate fund is not CSR but social activities integrated into the business process is CSR. CSR must be an integral part of the business which affects the company’s Profit & Loss like Marketing and Sales, Attrition, IR & PR, Corporate Communication and Affairs departments etc. We believe that CSR is one of the major tools to make difference in society and brand positioning.

We have seen a great revolution in NGOs functioning life – cycle. Though NGOs are the real heroes of grass root development and plays a prime role in the socio-economic development of nations, in a fast-changing scenario and era of globalization, they need to change their selves as per market/community requirements. NGOs have to change their presentation style and should accept the fast-moving professional approach.

Our aim is to formulate policy, prepare roadmap, project management and operation through advanced management tools, advanced communication system, improved and scientific fundraising mechanism, good governance, transparency etc. for partner NGOs.

Although our initiatives are based on high cost-effectiveness, professionalism, best global standards-practices, compliance-friendliness, innovation, measurable indicators, PDCA & YY analysis, SWOT, SMART principle approach, zilch headache for Corporate-PSUs-NGOs-GOVT and of course ROI,’ but yet simple. Some people think that development issues are not a rocket science. But at DNRF this is one of the critical issues and should be addressed through advanced management system-Technology and continued research. NGOs should also adopt the tools of the advanced management system and good governance. Now, this has become a prerequisite condition for any NGO functioning. Our strategies and services are based on global advance management system-technology, networking, partnering and continued research.

Our Vision

To make every citizen a stakeholder in development of the Nation.

Our Mission

Developing Network

Developing Ideas

Developing Nations

Our Goal- 4EC

# Empowering Corporate 

# Empowering Civil Society

# Empowering Community

# Empowering Citizen

Objective (Extracted Objectives of DNR)


Governance, Compliance, and Transparency 

For the following documents pls see our download section(DNRF)

Policies of DNRF

Other Documents of DNRF

Reports (Recurring)

If some more queries, pls write to us on info@dnrf.org. We will be happy to assist you.

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Disclaimer: Though every effort has been made to avoid errors or omissions in this site, errors might creep in. Any mistake, error, or discrepancy noted by the persons may be brought to the notice of the DNRF along with evidence of it being incorrect. All such errors shall be corrected at the earliest preferably within seven days. It is notified that neither the content provider nor the editor or any person related to the site in any manner shall be responsible for any damage or loss of action to anyone, of any kind, in any manner, therefrom. It is suggested that to avoid any doubt, the persons should cross-check all the facts, law, and contents of the publication with the original Government/Non Government publication or notifications. All disputes are subject to the jurisdiction of Delhi only and jurisdiction is liable to change without any prior notice. The views if any, expressed in the site are the personal views of the authors.

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