Impact assessment Pre-Mid-Post
Impact assessment is a common term used for assessment of action taken for a particular cause in a particular situation. We do Pre Mid and Post project Impact assessment. There are many techniques and guidelines are available in the market. We encompass all techniques and guidelines including innovative ones and according to the need for impact assessment. Incorporating all international specification norms, best practices available (like global SROI methodology etc.) in national and international markets.
Social Audit
Social audit is a method that makes it possible for an organization to judge and reveal its social, economic, and environmental benefits and limitations. It is a way of gauge the extent to which an organization lives up to the shared values and objectives it has committed itself to. We conduct social audits according to need, size, compliance, regulations as per prescribed norms.
Social audit requires the participation of all stakeholders. This may include employees, clients, volunteers, resource agencies, govt. authority, schools, collage, contractors, teachers, students, suppliers and local residents interested in the organization.
Need Assessment
We conduct need assessment- pre project and mid project in very specific and professional manner. Incorporating all international specification norms, best practices available in national and international market. Needs are very exhaustive and vast in nature depends upon nature, requirements and intensity.
For better outcome and brand equity we should always conduct need assessment.
Survey methodology is the field that studies the sampling of individuals from a population with a view towards making statistical inferences about the population using the sample. Polls about public opinion, such as political beliefs, are reported in the news media in democracies. Other types of survey are used for scientific purposes. Surveys provide important information for all kinds of research fields, e.g., marketing research, psychology, health professionals and sociology. A survey may focus on different topics such as preferences (e.g., for a CSR project), behavior (smoking and drinking behavior), or factual information (e.g., income), depending on its purpose. For anything get in touch.