Community Health

Community Health

India is drawing the world’s attention, not only because of its population explosion but also because of its prevailing as well as emerging health profile and profound political, economic and social transformations. Community health is a prime medical specialty that focuses on the physical and mental well-being of the people in a specific geographic region. This important subsection of community/public health includes initiatives to help community members maintain and improve their health, prevent the spread of infectious diseases and prepare for a stress free life. We were organizing health camps and other health issues discussion/ awareness but we are focusing on structured community health structure. Making SOP and adopting the Kerala model to some extent.

“Working at the community level promotes healthy living, helps prevent chronic diseases and brings the greatest health benefits to the greatest number of people in need,”- unknown

This is a long term plan and we need to address all issues which are directly or indirectly impacting community health. We are recording the health issues of every household including animal health. Capacity building of health workers like ANMs, Anganwadi, Asha workers, compounders, rural health practitioners etc. We are also supporting  PHC. Networking with big govt.  hospitals and institutes. Apart from general health, we are focusing on RCH, female feticide, use of condom and contraceptives, eye care, nutrition etc.

We are also following National Health Policy which addressing the prevailing inequalities, and working towards promoting a long-term perspective plan, mainly for rural health, is imperative.

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